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A complete and validated (NWWI) report

accepted by any financial lender...

As a Register Broker (RM) and Register Appraiser (RT) we meet all requirements and standards which an independent appraiser should have. For both private and professional clients we have extensive experience in appraising houses, apartments and other (combined) properties. Our appraisers are also real estate agents, which means that they are well acquainted with the housing market of 't Gooi on a daily basis.

When you are buying a new house or when you consider to renovate, the most common type of appraisal which your bank will request is the one according to NWWI (Dutch Home Value Institute)  . Also, many appraisals are done with the aim to reduce the mortgage interest rate, thus resulting in lower monthly costs. For the sale of your house, a non-binding valuation (sales advice) is often sufficient.

Nowadays many financial lenders (banks, etc.) require an appraisal report with NWWI validation. This validation is exclusive to appraisers whose work method meets strict quality requirements. All appraisers affiliated with NWWI work according to the same, verifiable method. As a quality mark, NWWI guarantees objective and reliable home valuation. Naturally, our office is affiliated with NWWI.

Fill out your details, and we will contact you as soon as possible to make an appointment for an appraisal. In many cases we can already provide you with an appraisal report within 48 hours

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Client reviews


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(42 reviews)


We help you with the
sale of your current house

with a personal and strategic plan for the best result.

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We help you with the
purchase of your new house

After making an inventory of your housing preferences, we will search for your dream home together.

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We help you with the
rental of your house

For both professional developers and private residents we are the rental specialists for 't Gooi and surroundings.

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